September 2023
Shapiro STEM Academy
"Empowering Hearts and Minds"
Lindsey Biesack, Principal
Rachel Molash, Secretary
Staff Directory
Welcome Back, Whirlwinds!
Welcome to the 2023-34 school year! The whole staff at Shapiro STEM Academy has been working hard this summer to prepare for an amazing year. We are excited to welcome your students back to school.
2023-24 is going to be a year to remember! We are excited to continue to guide our students forward in literacy, math, STEM and social-emotional learning. Our school family is ready to welcome everyone back and get started learning and growing together. Our staff family will be continuing digging into our Conscious Discipline learning, best practices in reading, writing and math, and working to increase family engagement. What does that mean for you? More communication from us about school expectations, increased opportunities for you to participate in your child’s learning and a team effort to work together for what is best for your child.
This year we are welcoming a few new staff members to Shapiro. Sidney Kostner will be returning to teach Phy. Ed full time at Shapiro. She joined our school family last year as a long term substitute for Mr. L. We are grateful to have her back this year! Mary Pick will be teaching Fifth grade. She brings 17 years of teaching experience. We are excited to welcome her! Paige Fiestadt will be joining our family as a cross category special education teacher. Paige has experience working with a variety of students from Early Childhood to 3rd grade. Welcome Paige! Shea Reiland will be supporting Shapiro as our school nurse. We look forward to learning with her! We will also be welcoming a UWO Intern to our special education paraprofessional staff this year. Please help make all of our new staff feel welcome!
Keep an eye on your email for updates as the start of the year gets closer. Here are a few dates to remember:
(Please refer to the district calendar for a full view important dates)
Phew! You made it to the end! Enjoy the end of your summer. We are so excited to welcome you back!
Mrs. Biesack
Sidney Kostner- Phy Ed.
Darcy Trebiatowski- Behavior IST
Paige Fiestadt- Cross Cat Teacher
Shea Reiland- School Nurse
Mary Jo Pick- 5th Grade
Station 1A- Amanda Schroeder, Kindergarten
Station 1B- Jennifer Flora, Kindergarten
Station 3- Sundee Wagner, 1st Grade
Station 4- Amber Trilling, 2nd Grade
Station 5- Holly Semph, 2nd Grade
Station 6- Breanna Tyner, 3rd Grade
Station 7- Broke Batterman, 3rd Grade
Station 9- Mary Jo Pick, 5th Grade
Station 10- Erin Gietman, 4th Grade
Station 11- Marissa Ellison, 5th Grade
There will be no school on Monday, September 4th or Friday, September 22.
Office Tips From Mrs. Molash
Welcome Back, Whirlwinds!
We hope that you had an AMAZING summer! We can't wait to get this school year underway!
If you are calling in your student for any reason and need to leave a message, please call 920.424.0164 and select option "0." This will take you to the school office inbox where you can leave your details.
When leaving a message, please leave the first and last name of your student, their grade, and their reason for absence, including any symptoms they have if they are sick. If your student will be late for any reason, please let us know so that you can avoid receiving an "unexcused" call.
If you will be needing to pick your student up for an appointment or any other reason, please let us know in advance so that we may have your student ready.
Please let us know if you will be taking your student(s) out of school for an extended amount of time. You will need to fill out a Pre-Planned Absence Form if your student will be missing multiple days. Please contact the office to have a form sent home with your student, or you can print your own HERE
Monday, September 4- Labor Day- NO SCHOOLFriday, September 22- Professional Development Day- NO SCHOOLThursday, September 28- Picture Day! More information is listed on the green flyer in this newsletter! (Keep scrolling!)
Friday, September 29- Shapiro PTO Movie Night. Doors open at 6PM. (More information in this newsletter.
As always, if you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach me at 920.424.0164, or by email
Volunteer Information
If you are looking to participate in any volunteer activities at our school (field trip chaperone, events, field day, etc.) you MUST have a background check submitted. This needs to be completed yearly. Once your form is approved, you will be set for the entire school year. The process is simple: 1) submit your background check by using this Google FORM. 2) If an opportunity is available that you would like to volunteer at, just let your student's teacher know that you have submitted a form. From there, the office will be notified and the approval process will begin. Once your background check has been approved, your student's teacher will let you know!
School safety and the wellbeing of our students and staff are our top priorities. We recently have implemented SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT. This system was created by the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of School Safety (OSS). Speak Up Speak Out is a comprehensive, one-stop place to turn with important concerns.
Students, parents, school staff, or any community members can submit a school safety concern or threat via our website, their website ( mobile phone application (available on their website), or toll-free number (available on their website). Staff work around-the-clock to respond to tips and to deploy a response locally by communicating directly with school administrators, law enforcement, and counselors.
Shapiro PTO Movie Night
Please join us on Friday, September 29, for the Shapiro PTO movie night featuring the Disney movie "Luca." Please see the flyer for more information. All students must be accompanied by an adult. All purchases are cash only.
Notes From The Nurse
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! Here are some reminders to help make this school year off to a great start.
All students are required to have an updated immunization record or immunization waiver on file with the school health office. If you need an immunization waiver form, please contact the school health office.
Medication Forms and Emergency Action Plans need to be completed each school year and handed into the health office during an open house or the first week of school. Please click the following link if you are in need of a form: OASD Health Services
A reminder that all medications must be brought in their original containers to the health office by a parent/guardian and a medication form must be completed by a parent/guardian and signed by a physician.
Please make sure your contact information is up to date in Infinite Campus so that we can reach you in case of an emergency.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me by email at
Greetings From The Shapiro Media Center
Each month be on the lookout in this newsletter for helpful tips that you can use to help your child build a safe and healthy relationship with digital media and devices.
Throughout the school year your child will be given lessons from their school Media Specialist that will support a safe and healthy relationship with all digital media. These newsletter tips will help you continue to promote best practices at home. We appreciate your support and look forward to working with your child this year.
-Mrs. Daniels, Media Specialist
Don't Forget Your Healthy Snack
Counselor Corner
With Mrs. Schmitz
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Community Events
Check out the latest community events in our area by clicking:
2023-24 District Calendar