September 2022
Shapiro STEM Academy
"Empowering Hearts and Minds"
Lindsey Biesack, Principal
Rachel Molash, Secretary
Staff Directory
Principal Biesack
Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! My name is Lindsey Biesack. This summer I have had the honor of transitioning to Shaprio to be the new principal. I am eager to get to know the students and families, and have been so impressed by the loving school family that exists here.
I have been working in education for 18 years. I’ve spent the majority of my years as a Kindergarten classroom teacher. Last year I led the staff as principal at Washington Elementary, here in Oshkosh. My passions in education are meeting the needs of all students, bringing a playful spirit to learning and ensuring that all students learn and grow.
The whole staff at Shapiro STEM Academy has been working hard this summer to prepare for an amazing year. We were able to send a number of staff members to a 7 day Conscious Discipline training, the ISTE conference and our Reading Interventionists attended a week long Early Literacy Academy. Our staff brought back valuable knowledge that will immediately impact our students. We can’t wait to have students back in our building so we can get started!
This year, we will be continuing to bring best practices to our students. Shapiro will use Conscious Discipline to teach the skills for conflict resolution and emotional regulation. We will be incorporating STEM practices and learning into our lessons. We will continue to focus on high impact instruction for all of our students. Our school is truly a family! Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at any time. You can reach me via email, phone or by setting up a time to meet in person.
Together we will have a great 2022-23 school year!
Alyssa Bales- 3rd Grade Teacher Joann Gorski- Cross Cat Teacher
Jill Weyers- Program Support Emmy Daniels- Media Specialist
Jen Weber- Behavior IST Amber Mankiewicz- School Nurse
Kendra Lehrer- Health Assistant
Greetings from the Shapiro Media Center!
Each month be on the lookout in this newsletter for helpful tips that you can use to help your child build a safe and healthy relationship with digital media and devices.
Throughout the school year your child will be given lessons from their school Media Specialist that will support a safe and healthy relationship with all digital media. These newsletter tips will help you continue to promote best practices at home. We appreciate your support and look forward to working with your child this year.
-Mrs. Daniels, Media Specialist
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Get those smiles ready for Picture Day! We will once again be utilizing Network Photography for our school pictures and yearbook. Please feel free to use the Shapiro STEM Academy prepay link to order your pictures ahead of time. Pictures are typically delivered to the school 3 weeks after picture day. If you do NOT order pictures online, don't worry! You can use that link to order any time through the school year and have the pictures delivered to your home. If you would like a paper order form, those will be handed out the week before picture day, or you can download it HERE. Your student can bring the completed order form to school on Picture Day, and hand it to the photographer.
Not in school on picture day, or not happy with your first picture? No problem! Picture retake day will be in early November. We will be sending out multiple reminders as that day gets closer.
Any questions regarding picture day please contact Robin Krewald at or 262-677-8662
Notes From The Nurse
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! Here are some reminders to help make this school year off to a great start.
All students are required to have an updated immunization record or immunization waiver on file with the school health office. If you need an immunization waiver form, please contact the school health office
Medication Forms and Emergency Action Plans need to be completed each school year and handed into the health office during an open house or the first week of school. Please click the following link if you are in need of a form: OASD Health Services
A reminder that all medications must be brought in their original containers to the health office by a parent/guardian and a medication form must be completed by a parent/guardian and signed by a physician.
Please make sure your contact information is up to date in Infinite Campus so that we can reach you in case of an emergency.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me by email at
Join The Shapiro PTO
We need your help to form the Shapiro STEM Academy PTO!!
Having a school PTO is so important. Your support will help us to sponsor educational enrichment programs, family fun events, and fund raising activities for school equipment... and that's just the beginning! Family movie nights, school dances and school-wide events can all be a possibility for our students with the help of a PTO.
We would love to have your help in getting this organization established again at our school. Your ideas and input are so vital to helping our school community thrive. We would love for you to consider joining.
If you are ready to help us get the Shapiro PTO up and running, please reach out to our Principal, Lindsey Biesack at
Families, please remember that there is no parking in the pick up lines. We need to be keeping those lanes open for a safe and steady flow of traffic. Please see the Traffic Flow and Parking Document for more specific information.
Additionally, there is no parking in the circle driveway in front of the building, unless you have a form of handicapped identification visible on your vehicle. If that is the case, please park in the designated parking spots only. We ask that you not park in front or in back of the busses for the safety of all students and staff.
Thank you!
Office Tips From Mrs. Molash
Welcome back, Whirlwinds! I hope you all had an amazing summer and were able to catch up on rest, relaxation and FUN!!!! Let's get the year started with some tips on attendance for your student.
If you are calling in your student for any reason and need to leave a message, please call 920.424.0164 and select option "0." This will take you to the school office inbox where you can leave your details.
When leaving a message, please leave the first and last name of your student, their grade, and their reason for absence, including any symptoms they have if they are sick. If your student will be late for any reason, please let us know so that you can avoid receiving an "unexcused" call.
If you will be needing to pick your student up for an appointment or any other reason, please let us know in advance so that we may have your student ready.
Please let us know if you will be taking your student(s) out of school for an extended amount of time. You will need to fill out a Pre-Planned Absence Form if your student will be missing multiple days. Please contact the office to have a form sent home with your student.
If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach me at 920.424.0164, or by email