April 2024
Shapiro STEM Academy
"Empowering Hearts and Minds"
Lindsey Biesack, Principal
Kelley King, Secretary
Staff Directory
Help with donations if you can!!!
Get Ready for the 2024-25 School Year!
The Oshkosh Area School District’s Annual Student Update (Enrollment/Registration) for returning K-12 students and for new 4K students will take place April 1 - September 1, 2024. Students must be enrolled by September 1. While the deadline is September 1, we encourage you to complete this process as soon as possible to secure your child's spot for the next school year.
This annual enrollment process is mandatory and reserves your student's place at their school for the upcoming academic year. You'll update demographic and contact information through the Infinite Campus (IC) Parent Portal.
Step-by-Step Instructions: CLICK HERE
New This Year: Complete the process on your computer, tablet, OR smartphone via the IC app: Campus Parent.
Mobile Registration: To register on your smartphone, download the app from your device's app center (iPhone - App Store or Android - Google Play), or click these direct links. Be sure to select the "Campus Parent" option - look for this icon:
Online Portal Access: CLICK HERE to log in to your Infinite Campus (IC) Parent Portal and click the "Online Registration" link (located on the bottom left side of the home screen).
Note: This link will be active/available as of 8 a.m. on April 1, 2024.
Need Help? If you don't have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account OR NEED TO RESET YOUR PASSWORD, COMPLETE THIS FORM.
Contact Information: For questions or assistance during the online enrollment process, contact your child's school office or the OASD Administration Office at 920.424.0395.
In-Person Support: If you need in-person assistance, access to a device, or internet, attend our Central Registration Day at Oshkosh North High School on August 7, 2024. More information will be provided in the coming months.
Fees: Fees and payments if applicable for the 2024-25 school year cannot be paid until mid-August, additional information will be provided at that time.
Your child's school will provide additional resources for the 2024-2025 school year, including important dates.
Thank you for choosing the Oshkosh Area School District for your student’s educational experience. We look forward to continuing to work with your family to meet your student’s individual needs and provide them with the best education possible.
Get ready for Oshkosh Summer School 2024
Registration Opens March 6, Course Guide Now Available
Starting March 6, families may begin registering their child(ren) for Summer School 2024! Be sure to sign up early because classes do fill up and those that do not have enough students enrolled may be canceled. OASD Summer School offers a variety of in-person and virtual classes for students entering kindergarten through high school, including athletic camps, music camps, and eAcademy options. While remedial courses are available, the majority of courses are designed to keep students thinking and exploring during the summer.
COURSE GUIDE: Detailed information about all course options, including special camps and registration instructions, are available on the OASD Summer School webpage in the Summer School Course Guide.
Summer School enrollment is FREE and available for all OASD students, students who live within the district boundaries, and students who are open-enrolled in the OASD.
LEARN MORE: OASD Update 02.22.24 - Summer School 2024 Dates, Locations, and Details
IMAGE - below, and link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1liZ49wveTB-MjIiDt4ze07P1g-dFSaaf/view?usp=drive_link
Reading Volunteers Needed
Hello school family! Shapiro Stem Academy is looking for volunteers to come and read to and with our K-5 students! If you or someone you know would be interested please have them fill out the following Background check form and contact the school office. Whatever time you are willing to donate would be greatly appreciated. Our schedules are flexible. We are excited for this wonderful opportunity for our students to grow in their reading!
Volunteer Information
If you are looking to participate in any volunteer activities at our school (field trip chaperone, events, field day, etc.) you MUST have a background check submitted. This needs to be completed yearly. Once your form is approved, you will be set for the entire school year. The process is simple: 1) submit your background check by following THIS PROCESS 2) If an opportunity is available that you would like to volunteer at, just let your student's teacher know that you have submitted a form. From there, the office will be notified and the approval process will begin. Once your background check has been approved, your student's teacher will let you know!
Warmer Weather Warning!!!
Warmer temperatures are coming and going and coming!
Please monitor the temperatures daily and be aware that some days we may not need a coat, but cooler temperatures are still here as well and we will need more outside gear on those days. The rules are as follows:
Under 50 degrees: Bring all outer gear.
50-60 degrees: Long sleeves required.
Over 60: Short sleeves is okay outside.
Keep in mind the field gets muddy and boots are sometimes required still to play out on the grass.
Greetings From The Shapiro Media Center
Greetings Shapiro Families!
This month, take time to explore tips for boosting safety, privacy and security while engaging online.
Link to Common Sense Media Family Letter:
Boost Kids' Safety, Privacy and Security
Thank you for your support,
-Mrs. Daniels, Library Media Specialist
Morning supervision is not available on our playground until 7:30am. Students are not to arrive before this time.
Thank you!
Clothing Donations Needed
We Need Your Help! Once again, our health room is in need of some clothing for our students who may require a change of clothing, for various reasons. We are most in need of the following items:
Size 4-6 Boys pants
Size 7-8 Boys pants
Size 4-6 Girls pants
These can be sweatpants, leggings, or any other new or gently used pants. (Elastic waistbands are super helpful!)
We appreciate any and all help you can give. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity!
In line with district policy, and due to severe allergies within our school family, we ask that all dogs remain off the school grounds, with the exception of service animals. We ask that all service animals are not in contact with our students and staff.