Community Events
Oshkosh West Softball - Spring Training Camps
Sunday March 16, 2025. See flyer for details and how to register.
Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes - Beakers & Besties
Grab your besties and come learn more about Girl Scouts! A night of friendship, fun, and a dash of chemistry to celebrate Galentine's Day. 2/20/25, 2/24/25, 2/27/25. RSVP by 2/17/25. See flyer for additional information.
Parenting the Love and Logic Way
Five week session - Wednesdays from 4 to 6 p.m beginning 2/12/25. See the flyer on how to register!
Oshkosh Public Museum - Auxiliary Free Day
Come celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Oshkosh Public Museum Auxiliary on February 15th, 2025 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Oshkosh Youth Hockey - Free Trial Day
Come try our hockey for free day on Saturday, February 22 2025. Recommended for children ages 4-10. No skating experience required!
Razorbacks Rugby - Registration
For Middle School and High School Students, no experience needed! Come check out our player/parent meetings in February for more information!
OWO Dance Team - Kids Clinic
Is your child interested in dance? Come check out the UWO Dance Team Clinic on Saturday, February 15th.
Oshkosh Youth Baseball - City Wide Baseball League
Starting in 2025, Oshkosh Youth Baseball will be offering a fun, competitive weekday baseball league for ages 9/10 and 11/12!
Oshkosh YMCA - Sport Activities
FLYER - Youth Volleyball Skills & Drills 2/24/25-5/25/25
FLYER - Karate Ages 4-Adult 1/7/25-6/8/25
FLYER - Co-Ed Youth Baseball League Ages 4-12 5/10/25-6/23/25
FLYER - Youth Flag Football for Boys & Girls Ages 4K-Grade 8 4/26/25-6/14/25
FLYER - Youth Indoor Soccer League 4K-Grade 8 2/27/25-4/12/25
FLYER - Fun For Young Athletes with Disabilities K-Grade 12 1/11/25-2/22/25
CR Meyer - Skilled Trades Career Exploration Night
Interested in the construction industry? Join us Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 5:30-7:30 pm!
Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes - All About Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts is all about cooperation, learning by doing, and trying new things!
UW-Oshkosh - Winter & Spring Clinic Offerings
Every year the UW-Oshkosh Baseball program holds its annual winter and spring baseball clinics!
PHD AAU Basketball - 2025 Season
Development - Confidence - Best Gear - Fun Experience - Season Start March 2025!
Oshkosh Youth Soccer Club - Registration 2025
$25 late fee after Nov. 1st!
Impact Elite Athletics - Our Rising Stars
Our Rising Stars teams are the building block of our program and athletes receive the attention and commitment from our dedicated team of highly trained and experienced staff members to help build and gain new skills. Beginning at ages 3 & UP!
Tiny House Village - Donation/ Volunteers Needed
We're looking for donations/ volunteers to help make a difference in the lives of Oshkosh families in need. Support Our Community!
Winnebago County Public Health - Childhood & Adolescent Vaccines
Give your children the best shot against illness - don't wait, vaccinate!
OPD School Crossing Guard Employment Opportunity!!
A School Crossing Guard is a part-time seasonal employee of the Oshkosh Police Department, and is a vital link to the safety of school children. Help be our Eyes On The Street! This position offers a competitive salary.
The Wisconsin 4-H Program began over 100 years ago. It was originally steeped in agriculture and has since expanded WAY beyond! With many project areas to choose from such as woodworking, STEM, arts, plants, outdoor adventures, photography and so much more, you are sure to find something that sparks your interest!
LGBTQ+ Youth Group
This is a non-religious group that offers support, education, and resources for middle and high school students who identify within the LGBTQ+ Community, are questioning, or are strong allys.
Vehicle Idling
Vehicle idling occurs at our schools when children are dropped off and picked up. Large numbers of idling vehicles greatly increase the presence of toxic chemicals such as nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides, and volatile organic compounds. By turning off our engines in school zones, we can drastically decrease the toxic chemicals that we release near our children. Please join us in creating a healthier environment.
Great Futures Mentoring Program
The Boys & Girls Club of Oshkosh is looking for volunteers to mentor a teen from our community through the Great Futures Mentoring Program.
Youth & Teen Advocacy for Parents and Educators
Every person has the right to live free from threat of abuse and violence. Reach is dedicated to those whose lives have been traumatized by abuse.
Youth & Teen Advocacy
Every person has the right to live free from threat of abuse and violence. Reach is dedicated to those who lives have been traumatized by abuse.
Become a Foster Parent
We need your help to ensure there are enough foster homes in our community. Join us for an informational session.